Alma Open
APIs &

Integrate Alma
into your ecosystem

With comprehensive support for open standards and over 150 REST APIs, Alma quickly integrates with your library infrastructure. And the Ex Libris Developer Network is your platform for sharing and learning innovative Alma-based solutions and advanced harmonizations.

Open Standards

Alma supports an array of widely adopted standards, streamlining interoperability with other systems. Simple configuration, with no additional coding, is all that you need to integrate Alma into ecosystems using standards such as NCIP, SRU, z39.50, SIP2 or OAI/PMH.



Alma APIs are built on sound REST principles, providing programmatic access to your data and workflows. Alma’s proven platform supports over 150 APIs, while the collective experience of the Ex Libris Developer Network shares innovative configurations and access control ideas.



The true strength of the Alma Open Platform is our community of customers and in-house developers. The Developer Network is a forum for sharing tips, ideas and success stories, as well as challenging questions – because help is never far off.