
The essential tool for research management.

Manage your workflows efficiently and effectively.

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Converis™ integrates the management of research information and internal workflows, bringing together data from external and internal sources into a single platform. Different stakeholders have different needs – that’s why Converis offers more than just information on projects and publications. Converis offers a holistic approach, covering the complete research lifecycle from pre-award workflows to research output management. Converis comes with a powerful reporting tool, including embedded reports to view the information directly from within Converis, in addition to advanced reporting options and dashboards via Converis Research Analytics.

Linking institutional systems

Converis serves as a central integration hub for joining repositories, personal libraries, and institutional databases and systems, e.g. HR and finance. Converis links the various systems, capturing research-related information, creating standardization for profiles and CVs, and reducing the need for repeated data entry.

Strong configuration capabilities

Offering unmatched configuration capabilities, Converis gives you control of the data model, workflows, user rights and integrations. Providing individualized analysis, you can assemble complete professional profiles for a comprehensive, up-to-date collection of all teaching, research and service-related activities.

Managing multiple types of research data

Manage various types of research information in one place, including details of researchers and their organizational affiliations; metadata, abstracts and full texts of publications; projects including associated documents, financial overviews, and activity plans and project applications including specific funder requirements, workflows and approval processes; patent and licensing information; research activities, e.g. for CVs, and study plans keeping track of supervisory meetings, milestones and planned and achieved results.

Facilitating essential research workflows

Use Converis to direct and manage common workflows such as approvals associated with research activities and achievements; budgeting, expenditures, forecasting and compliance with ethics guidelines; assigning and delegating tasks and deadlines; or validating processes for an open access repository and bibliometrics.

Product Highlights


Integration with Journal Citation Reports™

Use JCR metrics to assess the journals that your authors have published in


Embedded reports

See reports directly on any browser page or your research portal


Automatic publication matcher

Automatically extract new publications from Web of Science and match them to your researchers


Process efficiency assessment

Detect workflow bottlenecks by checking how much time each step takes to be fulfilled


InCites API integration

Extract article-level contextualized bibliometrics from the Web of Science Core Collection™


Template migration

Migrate templates between servers, facilitating the copy of configurations from Test to Live, for example

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