
Be part of
something bigger

A centralized service for streamlining end-to-end workflows, from selection to acquisitions to electronic resource management. A shared Alma resource knowledge base, authority control vocabularies and discovery catalog create the Community Zone.

Central Knowledge Base

The electronic collections of an array of vendors come together in the Central Knowledge Base, providing maximum accessibility to the Alma community of libraries. The repository, tightly integrated with Alma Link Resolver services and acquisition workflows, is also a robust management service for knowledge sourcing issues.


Authority Vocabularies

Authority Vocabularies is the centralized Alma-based service for managing and maintaining online authorization vocabularies, which ensure secure and streamlined cataloging workflows. The solution’s flexible management tools quickly address potential authority control issues, including those requiring manual intervention.



Community Catalog

A networked catalog of electronic resources in the Central Knowledge Base, the Community Catalog consolidates and manages high-quality bibliographic records. Integrated access to the catalog provides more comprehensive discovery options and detailed analytics of library holdings.